Fire Loop

      38 products

      Fire Loop Grooved

      Product Description

      Meet the demands of more critical applications with our all 316 SS FireStrait flexible connectors.

      For use in corrosive environments or higher pressure applications, where pipe offsets or lateral movements are required. Our all 316 SS FireStrait is UL Listed at 300 psi up to 6″ diameter and capable of lateral offsets from 1/8″ all the way up to 60″ of intermittent lateral offset. For use in floating docks, piers, and gangways where corrosion is a concern.

      Available in grooved end-fittings in sizes 1″ through 12″ diameter.

      Other Stainless Steel Products Available from Metraflex Fire Protection Division:
      Stainless Steel FireLoop®Expansion Joint, Stainless Steel FireVoop Expansion Joint