      101 products

      Flexhead Braided Hoses: Flexibility and Efficiency in Fire Sprinkler Installations

      Product Summary: Flexhead braided hoses offer a flexible and efficient way to connect fire sprinkler heads to the branch line piping. These pre-assembled units simplify installation, reduce labor costs, and enhance system reliability, making them a preferred choice in many applications.

      Detailed Description:

      Traditional fire sprinkler installations often involve rigid piping (hard pipe) that requires precise measurements and careful assembly. Flexhead braided hoses offer a flexible alternative, using a braided stainless steel hose to connect the sprinkler head to the branch line. This flexibility simplifies installation, especially in tight spaces or where obstructions exist.

      Key Features & Benefits:

      • Simplified Installation: Flexhead hoses are pre-assembled, reducing the number of steps required for installation compared to hard pipe. This can significantly decrease labor time and costs. The flexible design allows for easier positioning of sprinkler heads, especially in areas with limited space or obstacles.
      • Flexibility: The flexible hose allows for easier navigation around obstacles and simplifies sprinkler head placement. This is particularly beneficial in retrofit projects or when working in confined spaces. It also helps accommodate minor variations in ceiling construction or pipe placement.
      • Seismic Qualification: Flexhead hoses are often seismically qualified, meaning they can withstand seismic activity without damage. This is crucial in earthquake-prone regions.
      • Reduced Leak Points: The welded connections on Flexhead assemblies minimize the number of potential leak points compared to traditional threaded connections, enhancing system reliability. This reduces the risk of leaks developing over time and simplifies maintenance.
      • Improved Aesthetics: Flexhead hoses can provide a cleaner and more organized appearance compared to hard pipe, especially in exposed ceiling applications. They can also make it easier to align sprinkler heads for a more uniform look.
      • UL/FM Approved: Flexhead hoses typically carry UL and FM approvals, signifying their compliance with industry standards for safety and performance.

      Types of Flexhead Braided Hoses:

      Flexhead offers a variety of hoses to suit different needs, including various hose lengths, connection types, and configurations. They are designed for compatibility with different ceiling systems and sprinkler head types.


      Flexhead braided hoses are used in a variety of applications, including:

      • Commercial Buildings: Offices, retail spaces, and other commercial structures often utilize Flexhead hoses for their ease of installation and flexibility.
      • Residential Buildings: In multi-family residential buildings, Flexhead hoses can simplify installation and accommodate variations in ceiling construction.
      • Retrofit Projects: Flexhead hoses are particularly advantageous in retrofit projects where existing piping may be difficult to access or modify.

      Reason to Choose Flexhead Braided Hoses: Simplified installation, enhanced reliability, seismic qualification. If you're looking for a faster, easier, and more reliable way to install fire sprinklers, Flexhead braided hoses are an excellent choice. Their flexibility, reduced leak points, and seismic qualification make them a valuable asset for any fire protection system.

      Simplify your fire sprinkler installations and enhance system reliability with Flexhead braided hoses. Their ease of use and robust design make them a trusted choice for fire protection professionals